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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Casas de Cultura Estrangeira

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Teste de Nível – Programa de Estudo Inglês

PERÍODO: 2015.1 (atualizada em 5/12/2014)

1. ‘TO BE’ Present Simple (affirmative / interrogative / negative)
2. Subject Pronouns (I, you, etc.)
3. (Not) very / quite + adjectives (new, fast, cheap, good-looking, tall, etc.)
4. Alphabet (spelling) / the use of capital letters
5. Possessive Adjectives (my / your / his, etc.) / Possessive -‘s
6. Instruction forms – Imperative (affirmative and negative) / Let’s
7. Prepositions (in / on / at / under / next to / for / from / of / to / with / without / about / near)
8. Definite and indefinite articles (the / a / an / zero article)
9. Demonstratives (this / these / that / those)
10. Singular and plural nouns / regular and irregular plural nouns
11. There is / There are (affirmative / interrogative / negative)
12. Quantifiers – Some / any / no / all
13. Present simple (e.g. ‘I work’ / ‘you work’ / ‘he works’, etc.) (affirmative / interrogative / negative)
14. Object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, us, them)
15. Linking words (and / but / or / because / then / before / after / also)
16. Adverbs of Frequency (always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never, etc.) and their position in the sentence
17. Age (e.g. ’How old are you?’ I’m twenty-nine years old’.)
18. Offers (e.g. ‘Would you like a double room, madam?’ ‘Would you like to come in?’), Requests (Can I have…? or Can I…?) and respective answers
19. Vowel Sounds / Consonant Sounds
20. Pronunciation of –s endings (plural nouns and 3rd person singular)
21. Wh–words (what / where / when / who / whose / why / how / how often)
22. Word order in questions (Wh-Question + Auxiliary + Subject + Infinitive)
23. Vocabulary items:  Greetings / Classroom language and objects / Checking into a hotel / Ordering food and drink in a café / Numbers (1 to 10,000) / Countries and Nationalities / Common Objects / Jobs / The Family (Family members) / Common Descriptive Adjectives (tall, short, big, small, etc) / Daily Routine / Telling the time / Days of the week / Colours / Adjectives of appearance / adjectives of feelings

1. Can / Can’t – Expressing ability and other uses
2. Noun formation with –er, -or, -ian, -ist, -man, -woman for professions (e.g. paint – painter / act – actor / etc.)
3. Present continuous
4. Present continuous X Present Simple (with respective time expressions)
5. Spelling of -ing form of verbs
6. Love / like / hate / don’t mind + verb in the -ing form
7. Shopping for clothes (e.g. ‘What size do you wear?’ ‘Can I try it on?’ etc.)
8. Connectors (but / before / when / after that / later / so / then) with sentences in the past, e.g. ‘After lunch, I had coffee’.
9. There is / are – there to be in the present (affirmative / interrogative / negative)
10. There was / were – there to be in the past (affirmative / interrogative / negative)
11. ‘TO BE’ Past Simple (affirmative / interrogative / negative)
12. Past Simple – Regular and Irregular Verbs (affirmative / interrogative / negative) including spelling
13. Past time expressions
14. Prepositions of place (behind / between / next to / beside / near / in front of / opposite / in the middle of / on the left (of) / on the right (of) / over / far from / by / about / in / on / at / into / through / down / in the corner of / on the corner of / round / inside / outside / across from) and movement (from…to… / into / out of / up / down)
15. Asking for and giving directions (e.g. “Go past the church, and then turn left’”.)
16. Vowel Sounds / Consonant Sounds
17. Pronunciation of –s endings (plural nouns, 3rd person singular form of verbs in the simple present)
18. Pronunciation of –ed endings
19. Vocabulary items: Clothes / Verb phrases with go, get and have / Times and Dates / Ordinal numbers / Months of the year / The weather and seasons / Parts of the house / Phone language (e.g. ring, answer the phone, give a message, wrong number, etc.) / Music

1. Countable and uncountable nouns with a/an, some and any
2. Quantifiers – none / a lot (of) / (not) much / (not) many / a few / a little / lots of / both
3. How much / how many
4. ‘Going to’ for future plans and predictions based on present evidence
5. Future time expressions (next, two years from now, etc.) (e.g. ‘We are going to go to the USA next year’.)
6. Comparative adjectives (-er / more…than)
7. Superlative adjectives
8. Adjectives vs. adverbs of manner (e.g. quick / quickly, good / well, etc.)
9. Verbs + to + infinitive (e.g. plan, hope, want, need, decide, learn, etc)
10. Would like + to + infinitive vs. like + -ing
11. Present Perfect Simple (affirmative / interrogative / negative)
12. Present Perfect Simple vs Past Simple
13. Regular and Irregular verbs (Infinitives / Past Simple / Past Participles)
14. Been to X Gone to
15. Vowel sounds / Consonant sounds
16. Pronunciation of –s endings (plural nouns, 3rd person singular form of verbs in the simple present)
17. Pronunciation of –ed endings
18. Vocabulary items: Food and drinks / Fruit / Food containers / High numbers / the Internet / Places (shop, office, etc.) and buildings / Holidays

1. Word order in questions
2. Prepositions of time and place  (behind / between /next to / near / in front of / opposite / in the middle of / on the left (of) / on the right (of) / over / far from / by / about / in / on / at / into / through / down / in the corner of / on the corner of / round / inside / outside / across from, etc.)
3. Expressions for paraphrasing (like, for example, etc.)
4. Verbs + Prepositions (dream about / listen to / argue with, etc.)
5. Relative pronouns (who / which / where / that)
6. Relative Clauses (e.g. ‘A dentist is a person who looks after your teeth’
7. Look like X Be like
8. Connectors / Time sequencers (so / although / while / because / after / then / before / when, etc.)
9. Make X Do
10. Present perfect (+ already, ever, never, yet, just, etc)  X Past Simple.
11. Will, won’t (predictions)
12. Opposite verbs (e.g. win – lose / pass – fail / find – lose / lend – borrow, etc)
13. Going to X Present Continuous (for the future)
14. Past continuous and past simple (e.g. ‘She was sleeping when I arrived.’)
15. Adjectives ending –ed and –ing
16. Comparative adjectives and adverbs (as… as/ less… than)
17. Superlatives (+ ever + present perfect)
18. Something, anything, nothing, etc.
19. Too / (not) enough
20. Expressions with the word time (spend time, waste time, on time, etc.)
21. Vowel sounds / Consonant sounds
22. Pronunciation of –s endings (plural nouns, 3rd person singular form of verbs in the simple present)
23. Pronunciation of –ed endings
24. Vocabulary items:  Airport and hotel services / Ordering a meal / Problems with a meal in a restaurant / Clothes / Describing people (appearance and personality) / Holiday activities / Housework / Shopping / Taking something back to a shop / Describing a town / Health and the Body.

1. Present Perfect with for and since
2. Present perfect vs Simple Past (with respective time expressions)
3. Used to (affirmative / interrogative / negative)
4. Uses of the Infinitive (after verbs, for purpose, and after adjectives)
5. Uses of the Gerund (after verbs, as subjects, and after prepositions) + spelling of gerund form
6. Prepositions of movement (under / along / up / down / past / into / onto / over / round / across / through / by / out of / towards /away / off / back)
7. Passive voice
8. Obligations (have to / don’t have to / had to / didn’t have to/ must / mustn’t)
9. Noun Formation (e.g. confuse – confusion, etc.)
10. Modifiers (a bit, really, etc.)
11. Word order in phrasal verbs
12. Advice / opinion (e.g. ‘Why don’t you…’? / e.g. ‘I think you should’…)
13. First and Second conditionals – if and unless
14. May, might, should, shouldn’t
15. So / Neither
16. Past perfect (affirmative / interrogative / negative)
17. Reported speech
18. Questions without auxiliaries
19. Noun formation with –ion, -sion, or -ation
20. Vowel sounds / Consonant sounds
21. Pronunciation of –s endings (plural nouns, 3rd person singular form of verbs in the simple present)
22. Pronunciation of –ed endings
23. Vocabulary items: Animals / Sports / Confusing verbs (e.g. miss – lose / win – earn / make – do / lend – borrow / get – take, etc.) / Opposite adjectives (e.g. noisy – quiet, friendly – unfriendly, etc.) / Describing illness (e.g. My shoulder hurts.) / Phobias and words related to fear / Phrasal verbs (be over, give up, throw away, turn down, turn up, look up, fuill in, find out, put on, take off, look after, look forward to, get up, come on, go away, go out, stand up,  sit down, turn on, turn off, try on, give back, take back, cal back, pay back, switch off, write down, put away, pick up, carry on, look for, get on, get off, get on with)

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